- Content
A company’s or entrepreneur’s website can and should become an effective tool for attracting customers, increasing profits, establishing long-term relationships with the target audience and building a positive reputation. One of the conditions for achieving high traffic and conversion is adapting the resource to the requirements of search engines.
Is it possible to optimise a website for search engines on my own?
Website optimisation is a multifaceted process that includes:
-selection of keywords and phrases;
-writing texts based on the formed semantic core;
-preparation of titles and descriptions;
-publishing materials;
-improving the performance of pages and the website as a whole;
-traffic encryption and security enhancement;
-setting up analytics.
Business owners have two ways to achieve their goals: hire specialists or do the work themselves. Which is better should be chosen taking into account the scale and type of activity, the level of competition in the chosen niche, as well as the willingness to spend personal time and effort. Almost everyone can master the entry-level SEO, you just need to understand how search engine optimisation works, what points to pay special attention to, etc.

The sequence of actions when promoting a resource in search engines on your own
Beginners often make mistakes in elementary things, for example, acting in the wrong sequence. In particular, they start working with content before they understand the needs of the target audience or before they have worked out the semantic core.
Here are the main steps that will help you achieve results if you go through them one by one:
- Audit the resource. You need to figure out why your website is not in the top positions of the search results. The main problems are low page loading speed, uninformative and non-unique content, lack of thematic queries or too many of them.
- Research the competitive environment. Go to those portals that occupy 1-5 positions in Google to review their content and see what you are missing.
- Define a specific goal and deadlines for its achievement. You can’t set abstract goals – then you won’t be able to evaluate the results of your SEO strategy.
- Make a list of words and phrases that reflect the thematic focus of the site, the goods and services offered.
- Choose topics for articles and assign high-frequency and low-frequency queries to them. Ideally, each publication should contain both HF and LF queries. One of the important points is the absence of spamming, which can lead to search engine filters.
- Assess the needs of the target audience.
- Creating articles and placing them on different pages of the website. The texts should be readable, contain useful information and, depending on the subject matter of the portal, a call for cooperation. Make sure that there are no duplicates.
- Adding the site to Google Search Console for self-indexing.
- Use SSL certificates and, if possible, connect turbo pages.
In addition to this, you should think about link building. If your portal is accessed through third-party resources, the search engine will treat it more loyally, and traffic and conversion will increase.
However, for effective promotion, you will need to ensure that the links are natural and that the articles in which they are present are informative.
‘SEO is not an expense, it is an investment in the future’